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Conservation Meeting Minutes 1/23/03

Conservation Commission
January 23, 2003

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Katherine Roth, Stephan Glicken, Hank Langstroth and Janet Dunlap were the members present.

7:45 p.m. Public Hearing, A.G.M., Inc. N.O.I. Proposed site preparation roadway & drainage construction associated with the Gridley Pond Subdivision on Wolomolopoag Street located across from  Furnace St. DEP # SE-280-436:
Jay McGinn, Engineer from Miller Engineering appeared before the Commission and submitted green abutter cards and subdivision plan entitled Gridley Pond Estates, Sharon, MA    dated July 10, 2002.            
Jay explained to the Commission that the subdivision is a single road with one cul de sac that borders Conservation Land to the West. The wetlands extend along 2 lots and there's a potential vernal pool that is not certified. There's a 50' No Disturb and 100' Buffer Zone for the BVW. The Planning Board has approved the Plan.
There are projected run-off calculations and analyzed 1, 2, 10, 25, 50 & 100-year storms. The majority of the drainage infiltrates into the ground. The total discharge in the post development is less than the pre-development run-off. A small section of road, approximately 250', drains back to Wolomolopoag Street.
Calculations show that during the 100-year storm event the increase in the storm event was only .5cfs, which eventually flows into a wetland before it enters into the existing drainage on Wolomolopoag Street. There's an oil/gas separator planned to treat the water quality.
Peg inquired if the intent is to build an accepted road or common drive, and what the layout of the topography is back to the basin, whether it's a low spot or is excavation necessary. Jay stated that excavation is necessary and will confer with Jim Miller regarding whether it's a common drive or an accepted road being proposed.
Greg stated that the basin is sized for a waiver Plan.
The Commission reviewed the proposed Tree Removal Plan. Approximately 94 trees are proposed to be removed, all of them in the road right of way and 10' either side. All wetlands have been staked and flagged.
Abutter, Bonnie Rodman, 180 Wolomolopoag Street, was present and explained that the Planning Board
stated that the subdivision would be a driveway and not a roadway.
Peg noted that the Commission might consider requesting a restriction behind the shed on Lot 1.
Hank suggested that the hay bale line should follow the limit of work, and that the reserve area on Lot 2 be 125' from the wetland; culverts might be needed in the area of the vernal pool.
Greg suggested limiting anything within 100' of the vernal pool and beyond that including in the Lots.
Jay stated that the pre-developed runoff into the vernal pool area is 2.65 acres; post developed is reduced to 1.25 acres.
Peg requested Jay to color code the Plans for the calculations of fill.
Peg stated that it is the Commission's concern of what the impact is going to be from losing over 1 acre of drainage going into the vernal pool and advised Jay to discuss this concern with Jim Miller. Lot 2 is probably going to be more impacted than Lot 3. Peg instructed Jay to indicate a limit of work on the revised Plan and to color code the maps.
Peg called for a motion to continue the Hearing to February 6th at 8:00 p.m.
Hank moved. Stephan seconded. Voted. Unanimous.  

8:25 p.m. Public Hearing, RDA, Mass Highway Dept. Proposed reconstruction of North & South Main St.:

Peter Martellucci was present from Mass Highway Dept. Delia Kaye, Andrew Ogilvie, and Paul Carter from V.H.B., Inc. appeared before the Commission. Eric Hooper was also present.

Paul Carter, Project Manager, from V.H.B., delivered a project overview to the Commission.

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Paul stated that the proposed work would not impact the wetlands, though some work will occur within 200' of the riverfront area of Massapoag Brook. Erosion control will be installed to protect the wetlands and consist of staked-in-place hay bales and siltation fences placed along the construction limits.
The project limits are South Main Street from Laurel Road to approximately 500' south from Cobbs Corner on North Main Street.  Plans are to rehabilitate the existing pavement, primarily by cold planing and overlaying the pavement. All catch basins attributed to the wetlands will be replaced with 4' sumps.
Some sections of the roadway will be re-claimed, grinding up the pavement and then putting down a new base. Utility System adjustments and minor drainage modifications are proposed. Improvements to pedestrian safety will be made and existing curbing will be replaced. The sidewalk on the southerly side will be constructed of granite curbing; the sidewalk on the northerly side will be constructed of bituminous berm.
Upgrading of existing traffic signals at E. Foxboro & Depot Streets is proposed. Installation of new traffic signals at Walpole Street and at Chestnut Street is planned. Emergency expansion at the Fire Station is proposed.
Streetscaping improvements are planned at various locations.
Construction will be paid by State and Federal Funds. Anticipated start date for the project is Summer of 2003. Construction period will continue for 1 to 1 ½ years.
Delia Kaye- Senior Environmental Scientist from V.H.B., Inc. delivered a presentation to the Commission regarding the wetland resource areas and buffer zone. 11 wetland resource areas are along the roadway.
An effort will be made to retain as many trees as possible. In the areas where the trees cannot be retained, new trees will be planted at a 2 to 1 ratio. Reconstructing discharge points wetlands are located in the southern and northern ends of the proposed project area.
Staked hay bales and a sediment fence are proposed for erosion control; riprap will be placed in the riverfront area.
In the discharge areas of Hixson Farm Rd., Chive Dr., & Meadow Rd, tree wells and riprap will be placed for protection during construction.
Peg called for a motion for a Negative Determination with the conditions as proposed in the Plan:
(Staked-in-place hay bales and siltation fences placed along construction limits. The Conservation Officer will be contacted for inspection of mitigation. A list of names for contact for the proposed project. A construction schedule.)
Hank moved. Kathy seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:00 p.m. Other Issues:
Peg read aloud to the Commission a copy of a memo received from the Finance Commission requesting budget cuts from Town Departments and Peg requested input from the members for reductions in spending from the SCC Budget.
Kathy inquired that if the ZBA conditions the proposed 40B for Rattlesnake Hill, it should include restricting irrigation wells to the same extent that the Town restricts public water users. Also, she suggested investigating the zoning requirement condition that 50% of a lot be left as natural vegetation.

9:05 p.m. Executive Session:
Peg called for a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the issue of James Foley's letter. Janet moved. Hank seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:40 p.m. Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of January 9, 2003.
Hank moved. Janet seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:45 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills and Negative Determination of Applicability for Mass Highway Dept.

9:50 p.m. Adjournment:
Peg called for a motion to adjourn. Hank moved. Kathy seconded. Voted. Unanimous. 5-0-0.